Thursday, March 20, 2008

"Night Gusts" by Jeff Surace

oil on board 7.5"x10"
"weather around here (Atlanta) has been crazy including the nights, tonight was no exception, with the clouds moving quickly over a bright moon."


Linda Blondheim said...

Jeff, This is terrific. I love night paintings.

Lori McNamara said...

Excellent Jeff, I clicked it to make it big, very cool texture. I hope that tornado didn't do any damage for you last week.

jeff surace said...

We got lucky, the system that hit Atlanta, hit us 15 minutes before. It wasn't fully formed when it hit us but wow, our cities' tornado alarm in Marietta was sounding, and the rain and wind was on turbo. Spring is going to be interesting. Thanks for the nice comments.

Bernie Rosage Jr. said...

Jeff... I also love the texture. Cool work here!