Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Congratulations, BJ!

B.J. hasn't mentioned this, but she was the focus of an article in the Chattanooga Times FreePress Monday about Red Clay Park with a photo of her painting on site. (See her earlier post about painting there) Way to go, B.J.! Sandra Babb and Jo Thomas were also mentioned, but weren't on location just yet.


bj said...

Thanks Durinda! I was just sitting there, minding my own business, painting away when the reporter introduced himself and began asking questions. Photos were taken, more questions, etc. Sandra and Jo came soon after and also met him. Right time - right place. It always pays to have your business cards with you.

Lori McNamara said...

Congratulations BJ!

Bernie Rosage Jr. said...

WhooHoo! Way to go BJ!