Thursday, March 29, 2007

Saturday at Griffin Park by BJ Wright

8" x 10" oil on canvas covered hardboard painted en plein air

$85 including shipping

This little park in Tunnel Hill, GA was a hotbed of little guys playing baseball and skipping stones in the little creek. Don't you just love a small town??

Contact me at

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Monet's Front Door

This is approximately 16 x 20 inches painted plein air oil on linen in Giverny, FR on the grandest trip of my life!

Contact me at


Monday, March 26, 2007

Early Spring Fog by BJ Wright

$85 including shipping

8" x 10" oil on canvas covered hardboard
painted en plein air on 3/21/07

As the fog lifted to reveal the North Georgia hills, it was a perfect morning for painting. The light was incredible !!

I chose a canvas pretoned in lemon yellow, hoping to catch the glow and slight chill in the air.

My palette colors were lemon yellow, cad red light, alizarin crimson, ultra blue, white and just one speck of ivory black.

contact me at
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