Thursday, November 15, 2007

"Autumn in Bellevue", plein air painting

Autumn landscape painting street scene

"Autumn in Bellevue"
Oil on Canvas, 7x5"

This was painted en plein air in the old Richmond, VA neighborhood of Bellevue, where I live. I have always admired this cute little yellow bungalo on our evening walks, and it fit right in with the blazing fall colors that lined the intersecting street. This has to be one of the prettiest falls I've seen in a while in the city of Richmond. Over the next days I hope to paint as many plein air paintings as I can before the wind carries the foliage away.

Please click the image or contact me for more info.

Jennifer Young, Vibrant Landscapes
My website
My Blog


bj said...

I was in Richmond during the first 3 weeks in October. You live in a lovely space in the South. I love your intrepretation of the neighborhoods there.

Jennifer Young said...

Thanks BJ. I do think our neighborhoods is one of the prettiest in Richmond because of the trees. It's raining and really windy today, and wind is forcasted for tomorrow as well. Hopefully that won't completely do away with the foliage. I'm not done painting it yet! :-0

Jennifer Young said...

Thanks so much! I am glad to be here contributing and seeing everyone else's wonderful work.

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