Thursday, August 9, 2007

Hot Day's Morn--August 8,2007

BJ and Sandra got out "in the field" early this morning and painted for about 1 1/2 hour and were ready to call it a day---a hot day. My goal was to capture the sky as the sun came up still searing from the day before.
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Phyllis Russell Franklin said...

I am so envious of you having friends so close by to paint with. Try as I might, no one around me can get their schedule fixed so we can paint together.

You are right about this group having fun. I'm going to feed from the excitment and get out and paint early tomorrow. Maybe I can take a photo with me of y'all painting and the photo can be my painting buddy. :)

Have paint, will travel, Phyllis

Lori McNamara said...

Boy that looks hot out Sandra! I am trying to get myself out of bed earlier to paint too.

If you come down here I'll paint with you!

Lori McNamara said...

Oops, I forgot to say I like the painting! Nice diagonals, its a good composition.

Jenna Star Friedman said...

Hi Sandra - this really conveys the heat! Good job with the colors and composition.

Sandra Bonner Babb said...

Thank you ladies for your kind comments. Each day I don't get out there to try to do a painting I feel I have cheated myself somehow. I've always thrived on guilt feelings so it's just in my makeup actually. I am currently trying to make myself do a painting of my church for a commission. I have photos but I went over and painted it plein air one day. It's hanging at a hospital show. Any suggestions on how I can psyche myself up (guilt works for me, remember?) to do that studio painting?

bj said...

Maybe visit the church and observe little details. Then go straight to your studio easel and begin painting, remembering all the little things not shown in the photo. It's the idea of being more in touch with the subject as you paint - kind of like painting plein air.

Lori McNamara said...

Sandra, paint another plein air of the church, either give them that one or work from it.

Okay, heres the guilt trip, hehehe!
You told the CHURCH for goodness sakes you would do it! Now go paint!

Chris Ousley said...

I had to get a glass of iced tea after viewing this painting. Bloody hot! Good work.