Tuesday, August 7, 2007

A Pink Surprise...Hibiscus Painting

'A Pink Surprise' 5x7 pastel
I finally had a chance to paint plein air today!! I went over to Jayne's house and we painted in her neighbor Bessie's garden. She has a wonderful garden filled with plenty to paint. It was a challenge to focus in on something though! I found this pretty pink Hibiscus flower for my first painting. I am starting on a new challenge to paint 500 outside paintings. This is number one.


bj said...

My grandmother had a huge Hibiscus in her flower garden. You captured the beauty perfectly. Thanks for the memory of my 'mamaw'.

Lori McNamara said...

Nice! Good luck on your 500 outside paintings!

Our hibiscus are blooming like crazy now too, they are so pretty.